There was an issue with IE7 (and probably IE6) with the Accordion shown in the previous article. The problem is, IE7 doesn't treat an element with overflow: hidden, height: 0px as expected (by making it invisible), instead, it shows it in full.
This is fixed by forcing standards mode with the following declaration in your HTML:
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Errata for AccordionPanel
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3:22 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Designing a really simple GWT Accordion control
Yesterday, we started implementing some neat context-sensitive information features to Timepedia's "Timelord" GWT application, which integrates Chronoscope, Everett, and several other backend services, and I found myself in great need of an Accordion-like control.
Now, there are a great many accordion controls in third party JS libraries, many of them very slick and full featured, but I found that I didn't need so many features, and I'm trying to limit the number of pure-JS library wrappers I use in GWT because you lose alot of the benefits of the GWT Compiler when you wrap external JS libraries.
How hard could it be to cook up one in GWT? It turns out, not very hard it all.
What I want is a VerticalPanel or HorizontalPanel with the ability to open/close the nested widgets, preferably in a cool animated style. That means, we'll create either an Vertical or Horizontal Panel, store it in a Composite, and use even-numbered widget positions to store a Label, which when clicked, will expand odd-numbered widget positions from 0 to their desired width or height. We'll also simultaneously close any currently expanded widgets, back down to zero width/height. The only trick is to figure out what expanded width/height of a widget is.
First, let's create a Composite to house a Vertical or Horizontal Panel.
public class AccordionPanel extends Composite {
private Panel aPanel;
private String animField;
private String animBounds;
final private static int NUM_FRAMES = 8;
private Widget currentlyExpanded = null;
private Label currentlyExpandedLabel = null;
public AccordionPanel(boolean horizontal) {
if (horizontal) {
aPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
animField = "width";
animBounds = "scrollWidth";
} else {
aPanel = new VerticalPanel();
animField = "height";
animBounds = "scrollHeight";
public AccordionPanel() {
I don't really need a horizontal accordion, but I threw in support for it (untested) just in case. Here, if we are using a Vertical accordion, we are animating the height field, and the desired expansion size is in the "scrollHeight" field.
Next, we need a method for adding new widgets to an accordion.
public void add(String label, final Widget content) {
final Label l = new Label(label);
final SimplePanel sp=new SimplePanel();
l.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
expand(l, sp);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(sp.getElement(), animField, "0px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(sp.getElement(), "overflow", "hidden");
Given a string label, and a widget, we do two things. First, we create a Label widget, and add a ClickListener to it. The ClickListener simple calls the expand() function with the label, and the content. Secondly, we wrap the content being added in a SimplePanel, to ensure we get a DIV around it which can be animated.
Finally, we add both the Label and the content wrapper to the underlying Vertical or Horizontal panel, set the primary style name of the label/content to be that of the AccordionPanel + "-title"/"-content", and then collapse the newly added component (height/width: 0, overflow: hidden)
Now all we have to do is implement the expand() function. We essentially want to run an animation loop, linearly interpolating between 0 and the max dimensions (for expansion) or the opposite for collapse.
Let's look at the implementation:
private void expand(final Label label, final Widget c) {
if(currentlyExpanded != null)
"overflow", "hidden");
Here we make sure that any previous expanded section is changed from overflow: auto back to overflow: hidden. Continuing further...
final Timer t = new Timer() {
int frame = 0;
public void run() {
if (currentlyExpanded != null) {
Widget w = currentlyExpanded;
Element elem = w.getElement();
int oSh = DOM.getIntAttribute(elem, animBounds);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, animField, ""+(( NUM_FRAMES -
frame ) * oSh / NUM_FRAMES)+"px");
We create a Timer, whose run method will animate the collapse/expansion. We simultaneously collapse any currently expanded Widget and expand the target widget. All we have to do, is fetch the max dimensions from scrollHeight/scrollWidth, and then interpolate them down to zero for collapse.
if (currentlyExpanded != c) {
Widget w = c;
Element elem = w.getElement();
int oSh = DOM.getIntAttribute(elem, animBounds);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, animField, ""+
(frame * oSh / NUM_FRAMES)+"px");
Likewise for expansion, we simply interpolate from 0 to the maximum dimensions. Finally, we increment the frame, and we take care not to try and collapse and expand the same widget at the same time.
if (frame <= NUM_FRAMES) {
} else {
if(currentlyExpanded != null) {
if(currentlyExpanded != c) {
currentlyExpanded = c;
currentlyExpandedLabel = label;
Element elem = c.getElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "overflow", "auto");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, animField, "auto");
} else {
currentlyExpanded = null;
Finally, we keep rescheduling our timer as long as we haven't reached our maximum number of frames. To finish, we add a final bit of polish, by adding a "selected" CSS class to the Label which is currently expanded. We also change the width/height and overflow fields back to auto.
The last lines of the expand() function simply kick off our timer.
Here is the simple GWT Module to test
public class AccordionDemo implements EntryPoint {
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
AccordionPanel ap=new AccordionPanel();
AccordionPanel ap2=new AccordionPanel();
ap.add("Label 1", new HTML("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam luctus urna vitae urna. Sed nisl. Praesent nisi nulla, malesuada quis, bibendum quis, egestas nec, pede. Donec ipsum. Duis nulla nisi, tristique eget, fermentum et, gravida non, lorem. Praesent mollis, arcu sed suscipit venenatis, velit erat sollicitudin quam, eget vestibulum odio enim nec libero. Praesent tellus. Vestibulum non justo. Aliquam semper. Nulla mauris ipsum, semper ut, dapibus quis, ultrices nec, est. Mauris nec nisl ut est posuere dignissim. Sed nec magna non purus eleifend mollis. Pellentesque orci. Integer sapien. Cras aliquam."));
ap.add("Label 2", new HTML("Ut tristique convallis nibh. Vestibulum eget nunc eget tellus varius sollicitudin. Vestibulum vestibulum ligula ac nulla. Nulla risus urna, euismod eget, accumsan vitae, posuere sit amet, eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque justo. Sed purus diam, bibendum ut, posuere a, feugiat sit amet, justo. Donec urna nulla, blandit in, gravida non, mattis a, turpis. Phasellus feugiat leo et justo. Maecenas quam nisl, consectetuer nec, auctor et, pharetra vel, tortor. Nunc justo nulla, tincidunt a, tempor id, viverra eget, sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin sagittis nonummy urna. Aenean quis massa ac massa rutrum ornare."));
ap2.add("Nested Label 1", new HTML("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam luctus urna vitae urna. Sed nisl. Praesent nisi nulla, malesuada quis, bibendum quis, egestas nec, pede. Donec ipsum. Duis nulla nisi, tristique eget, fermentum et, gravida non, lorem. Praesent mollis, arcu sed suscipit venenatis, velit erat sollicitudin quam, eget vestibulum odio enim nec libero. Praesent tellus. Vestibulum non justo. Aliquam semper. Nulla mauris ipsum, semper ut, dapibus quis, ultrices nec, est. Mauris nec nisl ut est posuere dignissim. Sed nec magna non purus eleifend mollis. Pellentesque orci. Integer sapien. Cras aliquam."));
ap2.add("Nested Label 2", new HTML("Ut tristique convallis nibh. Vestibulum eget nunc eget tellus varius sollicitudin. Vestibulum vestibulum ligula ac nulla. Nulla risus urna, euismod eget, accumsan vitae, posuere sit amet, eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus pellentesque justo. Sed purus diam, bibendum ut, posuere a, feugiat sit amet, justo. Donec urna nulla, blandit in, gravida non, mattis a, turpis. Phasellus feugiat leo et justo. Maecenas quam nisl, consectetuer nec, auctor et, pharetra vel, tortor. Nunc justo nulla, tincidunt a, tempor id, viverra eget, sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin sagittis nonummy urna. Aenean quis massa ac massa rutrum ornare."));
ap.add("Nested", ap2);
ap.add("Label 3", new HTML("Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."));
and the CSS rules used.
.accordion-title {
background: #EFEFE3 url(gray-bg.gif) repeat-x scroll 0%;
border: 0pt none;
padding: 3px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
.accordion-title-selected {
background: coral none;
.accordion {
width: 300px;
.accordion2-title {
background: #EFEFE3 url(gray-bg.gif) repeat-x scroll 0%;
border: 0pt none;
padding: 3px;
padding-left: 10px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
.accordion2-title-selected {
background: blueviolet none;
.accordion2 {
width: 300px;
p.s. caveats. First, scrollHeight/scrollWidth don't always work. See quirksmode. Secondly, there is a chance you could click another label while an expansion is in progress, so you'll need to add an "isAnimating" flag so that expand() will do nothing if another expansion is in progress. Third, you may want ease-in/ease-out in the animation, so instead of a linear interpolation, drop in your favorite easein/out function (sine, 2x^3-3x^2, etc)
Posted by
2:04 PM